Get input sum value with Jquery


Viewed 3,583 times


Good evening, everyone.

I can’t put together a cool script for that. For example, I have four inputs and, just after I fill in some of them, I would like to display the result of the sum of inputs.

Does anyone have a working example that can help me?

Thank you!

3 answers


You didn’t post code or give details about your specific problem (avoid that). However, according to the description it is possible to present a solution on which you can rely.

  var total = 0;
     if ($(element).val()) {
       total+= parseInt($(element).val());
<script src=""></script>

<input class="input-teste" type="text" value="" ><br>
<input class="input-teste" type="text" value="" ><br>
<input class="input-teste" type="text" value="" ><br>
<input class="input-teste" type="text" value="" ><br>
Total: <label class="show-total"></label>


There are many ways to achieve this.

I will collaborate with an example where it is necessary to work with decimals and disregard non-numerical values;

$('input').css('margin-bottom', '5px').on('change', function() {
  var v = 0;  
  $('input').each(function(i,e) {   
    if ($(e).val()) {
      var i = $(e).val().replace(/\,/g,'.');
      if (isNaN(i)) { $(e).val(''); return; }
      v += parseFloat(i);
      $('div').text('Total: ' + v.toFixed(2));

<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" value="" ><br>
<input type="text" value="" ><br>
<input type="text" value="" ><br>
<input type="text" value="" ><br>



Complementing the responses of the other collaborators, below follows an example making use of the methods map and reduce of the object Array.

function extrairValor(elemento) {
  return parseInt(elemento.value, 10);

function funcaoSoma(valorAnterior, valor) {
  return valorAnterior + valor || valorAnterior;

function somarValoresPorSeletor(seletor) {
  return $(seletor)

function onCampoChange() {

  var resultado = somarValoresPorSeletor('input');



$(function() {


  $('input').on('change keyup', onCampoChange);

input {
  margin-bottom: 5px;
<script src=""></script>

<h1>resultado: <span></span></h1>

    <input type="text" value="1" />
    <input type="text" value="2" />
    <input type="text" value="3" />
    <input type="text" value="3" />
    <input type="text" value="3" />

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