Nodejs in the Azure


Viewed 46 times


I did a simple public project on API Nodejs.

However when publishing and accessing the API in AZURE did not answer: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Running site works perfectly. Localhost

I did all the possible publishing procedures and the GIT Build shows everything ok through the Azure portal.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Take a look at the directory structure in the Webapp. Have you made sure that the Webapp is waiting for a Nodejs application? What version of the Webapp are you using? Webapp or Webapp on Linux?

1 answer


I managed to solve. Need to use door environment variable (process.env.PORT), as below.

Wrong code:

app.listen(3000, function(){
  console.log('Servidor rodando na porta. server<<' + process.env.PORT + '>> ou local<<3000>>');

Corrected code:

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function(){
  console.log('Servidor rodando na porta. server<<' + process.env.PORT + '>> ou local<<3000>>');

Thanks for the force

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