What to do when the generated token expires?


Viewed 959 times


I’m developing an API rest with the Framework Asp.Net Web Api 2, using Owin.
I have an app android as the client. In this case, my system has users and passwords and authenticates normally.
I want to know what to do when the token expire. Login again?

  • The problem is that it is expiring very fast? or is only the doubt when the token ends its validity period?

  • What should I do when the token expires, I do nothing and wait for the user to authenticate again?

  • 1

    In any action that needs the requisition, the token should be sent, from the moment it is not valid, the user receives a message or is redirected to authentication again. Well I understood that if by chance it is not can say!

  • 1

    The customer can use the refresh token to renew the access token. You can understand more about this process here: https://auth0.com/learn/refresh-tokens/

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