Run project in netbeans


Viewed 683 times


I’m looking to upgrade a project, but when opening it in netbeans, it doesn’t give me the option to run

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


According to this question from ONLY gringo:

Just disable the "Compile and Save" option and restart Netbeans.

But this another answer explains better what is really happening:

This happens when your Netbeans IDE closes while you still have bugs in your code and the "Compile on save" option is enabled. To resolve, delete the Build folder from your project’s directory and restart Netbeans.

  • where it disables?

  • @Carlos to on my Mac so I don’t have Netbeans installed, but take a look at the other answer I added, it probably already solves your problem.

  • The second option solved. Thank you very much!

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