How to display a menu according to the type of user logged in with Ionic / Angularjs?


Viewed 595 times


Hello, I have two types of users: buyer and seller.

How to display a menu according to the type of user logged in with Ionic / Angularjs?

Currently, and does not work well, I am putting on each menu item an ng-show:


And in the Menu Controller:

if($window.localStorage.getItem("user_cod_cliente") === null){
            $scope.permissaoUser = false;
            $scope.permissaoUser = true;

        if($window.localStorage.getItem("global_fornecedor") === null){
           $scope.permissaoVovo = false;
            $scope.permissaoVovo = true;

That is, I get the information saved in my Localstorage after login.

It happens that the menu only presents according to the user SE der F5 in the BROWSER that is where I follow the development.

However, the emulator or the device does not work.

Anyone can help?

Thank you.

  • Why not send these menus, in vector form, to your application. Then, create a directive that assembles the menu according to this vector. I believe that to treat this in the backend would be more sensible and easier.

1 answer


Switch to a function as follows:


or ng-show="checkPermissions('client')"

And the function:

$scope.verificarPermissoes(tipo) {
  var permitido;

  if (tipo === 'cliente' && $window.localStorage.getItem("user_cod_cliente") !== null) {
    permitido = true;
  } else if (tipo === 'fornecedor' && $window.localStorage.getItem("global_fornecedor") !== null) {
    permitido = true;
  } else {
    permitido = false;

  return permitido;
  • Note that this alone does not prevent the malicious user from seeing this part of the site; also try to check, on the server side, when users do actions from this page to ensure that the one who accesses the API is who Voce thinks it is

  • 1

    @Moshmage actually the ideal, in addition to what you suggested, is to do this check in the states and only make them available if the user has permission

  • Solved with the @Sorack tip

  • Thank you @Sorack :)

  • @Branches don’t forget to mark the answer as resolution by clicking on the left side of the answer so it can be used by other users

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