I’m making a report on java
, I spend a period specified by the user. In my DAO
I’m doing the treatment.
Here I take the last date.
String data1 = DateUtil.toString(dto.getDataInicio(), "MM/yyyy");
String data2 = DateUtil.toString(dto.getDataFim(), "MM/yyyy");
Calendar c1 = DateUtil.parseCal (data1);
Calendar c2 = DateUtil.parseCal (data2);
Here I do a treatment to check the past months.
for (Calendar c = (Calendar) c1.clone(); c.compareTo (c2) <= 0; c.add (Calendar.DATE, +1)) {
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.JANUARY && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-01-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-01-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-01-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as janeiro, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-02-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-02-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-02-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as fevereiro, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.MARCH && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-03-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-03-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-03-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as marco, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.APRIL && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-04-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-04-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-04-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as abril, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.MAY && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-05-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-05-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-05-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as maio, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.JUNE && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-06-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-06-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-06-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as junho, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.JULY && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-07-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-07-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-07-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as julho, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.AUGUST && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-08-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-08-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-08-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as agosto, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.SEPTEMBER && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-09-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-09-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-09-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as setembro, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.OCTOBER && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-10-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-10-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-10-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as outubro, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.NOVEMBER && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-11-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-11-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-11-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as novembro, ";
if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.DECEMBER && c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 01){
mesesql += "total_faturado_mensal(cs.id_corp, '"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-12-01', '"+c2.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-12-01', to_char('"+c1.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-12-01'::date, 'yyyy-mm'), cl.id_convenio) as dezembro, ";
It is working, however when reporting a period for example from 01/2016 there 12/2016 it is not entering within the if (c.get (Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.DECEMBER
bringing then only from January to November. But if I put only 11/2016 and 12/2016 appears December.
And to appear the 12 months of 2016, I have to put a month more for example:
01/2016 á 01/2017 ai sim ele me traz o mês de dezembro.... and so consequently, with longer dates. I don’t mean much as Calendar works, I’m doing something wrong?
Month returns number -1, that is, 11 will be December.
– user28595
Recommended: http://answall.com/q/177129/132
– Victor Stafusa
yes @diegofm, so I compare it to Calendar.DECEMBER which is an int 11. But it usually works from January to October. Only the latter is like this. I found cases similar to this problem but did not solve.
– Arthur Edson
Arthur, I think the problem here is more basic than that, the condition
c.compareTo (c2) <= 0
is strict and the Calendar takes into account fields beyond the month and year, whether they are present at the initial date or not. If you want the survey to be inclusive it is necessary to use the last millisecond of the last second of the last minute of the last hour of the last day of the month in question (similarly it is important to reset all these values for the first day).– Anthony Accioly
What a class you’re wearing:
?– Felipe Marinho
If you really want to use
(why? () a workaround known is to make the crease open and use the first day of the following month if you need other options a look in that question. That said, I would read the link @Victorstafusa shared and on Oracle Official Tutorial on Date Time API– Anthony Accioly