What does Handshake mean?


Viewed 4,028 times


While studying about Websocket, I read the following sentence:

Its only relation to HTTP is that its Handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as a request for upgrade.

  • In this context, what Handshake means?
  • In practice, which means "your... Handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request"?
  • 4

    It means a good handshake... ready, nerdy joke trophy of the year for me.

  • http://answall.com/questions/90957/web-server-tls-ssl-handshake

  • 1

    Handshake is the name of the process used to establish the HTTP connection. Like, when the client and the server meet and say "hi" to each other and shake hands to greet each other.

1 answer


Handshake :P

In this context, what Handshake means?

It is the initial communication between two applications that will communicate. During the process of handshaking each of the applications go "trading" as they will work, a pass as you want to communicate within certain parameters specified and the other says whether to accept or deny or offer alternatives to the other side decide what to accept. If they can agree the communication itself begins.

The process can occur during data transmission after each step. One side can confirm receipt as it has been combined.

More details about HTTP at How the HTTP protocol processes requests?.

In practice, which means "...your Handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request"?

That one upgrade request is something that HTTP uses to indicate that it will use something new to the protocol, so HTTP is now used only as transport.

  • The second question left me a little confused. I created socket using the WebSocket HTML5. On the server side I used a PHP lib (for testing only). When opening HTML in the browser, I used the Chrome element inspector and the tab Network I noticed that there is only one request: Request URL:ws:// I didn’t see anything related to HTTP, at least in Chrome logs. How HTTP was used?

  • The request is HTTP, Websocket is encapsulated inside it.

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