Open executable by web application


Viewed 1,080 times


I have a code that opens an external software my application.

    function run(file) {
      var ws;
      ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");;

Only that external software opens on computer as normally, I want to make this software open in html web page.

As I could pin this software to the page, it is possible to do this?

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    I’m not sure, but I think you need a back-end to be able to execute the script.

  • this code I put above is already working, the software is being opened normally, now I need to fix it on the page. You think I need a back-end for this?

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    You want to make an . exe open inside an html?

  • that! It is possible?

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    I don’t understand well, but you want to open in the user’s browser an executable that is on the server?

  • That’s right Ricardo.

  • So, @Lorena, you want to open on the client side an executable that is on the server. I think only with back end even... I can’t think of a solution like this without back end.

  • you will need a language that runs on the server side, PHP example

  • Yes @Marllonnasser this is already doing, what I need now is to do as if the external software and my application were one thing, ie make the software run within the application.

  • So Lorena, your script works if accessed directly, now Voce needs a web language to run this script and print to the user the result of the script

  • It would be good to give more details, what exactly this script does, what end content needs to be displayed to the user ,etc...

  • The final content is software run on screen for the user to stir, external software integrated with the web page, as if the two are the same thing.

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1 answer


If I understand correctly, you want to open a program that is hosted on a machine in the browser.

In the case of the execution on the machine it has a favorable environment for this, already the common browser does not offer, for example access to memory, what it can do is to develop a browser that propitiates the execution of this program, what in fact if it is only for this purpose, in a worthwhile.

Another situation is you turn your code into something the browser can use.

  • Thank you so much for the @Magichat answer what would be a code that the browser can use? The code you say would be the external software?

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    The browser has a Parser , everything that "parse". goes to the screen...

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    But it all depends on the purpose, what you have in your application you can run in the browser or it will need to use the OS ?

  • to run in the browser

  • 1

    Either you do it in a language direct to the browser or you do it by the server using CGI

  • from what I understand then is using CGI

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