Error capturing checked attribute


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    if($('#boleto-input').checked == true){


<label for="boleto-input">
    <input type="checkbox" name="" id="boleto-input">
    <span class="check-for-bank"></span>
    <img src="img/barcode.jpg">
<p id="doacao-proximo-1" style="display:none;">Próximo</p>
  • I can’t get that when the input checked, the button appears.
  • The button is like p because when placed as button, the page keeps recharging, even with a preventDefault()

Thank you if you can help me solve, or find a way to solve the problem.

2 answers


I think you forgot to "#" on $('#doacao-proximo-1'). But try it like this:

    if($('#boleto-input').is(':checked')) { // <-- altera aqui
  • perfect, it was just that @Miguel

  • 1

    You’re welcome @Murilogambôa, it was just a distraction


Well, it has already been answered, but I leave here a different way:

    $('#doacao-proximo-1').css({'display': $('#boleto-input').prop('checked') ? 'inline-block' : 'none'});

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