What is a devops?


Viewed 572 times


I would like to know that it is "devops" in practice. I would sincerely like to know an experience rather than a formal definition.

  • 9

    I took the part of the question that asks for an opinion because it makes room for answers based only on actions and without concrete foundation.

3 answers


Wikipedia article in Portuguese (edited):

Devops (amalgam of the term in English Development and Operations, development and operations) is a software development methodology that explores communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and other IT professionals (Information Technology). Devops is the reaction to the interdependence between software development and IT operations. Aims to help organizations produce software and services quickly.

Current implementations of this methodology are based on both a set of processes and methods covering communication and collaboration between development departments, QA (quality assurance) and IT operations, and software delivery automation processes (deploy) and changes in infrastructure

In some organizations, this collaboration involves incorporating IT operations experts into software development teams, forming a multi-functional team that can also be combined with matrix management.

Source: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps

  • At first you mention Wikipedia PT, but then you put the link to Wikipedia EN? I was confused about your source

  • 1

    @Jeffersonquesado good catch, I mentioned one but pasted another. Corrected!


Of the AWS Article (https://aws.amazon.com/pt/devops/):

Devops is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increase an enterprise’s ability to deliver applications and services at high speed: optimizing and perfecting products at a faster pace than companies that use traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed allows companies to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

Examples of tools: Version control, code automation for Deployments, Configuration management, ticketing systems, monitoring and provisioning.


Devops acronym for Development and Operations, which would be in Portuguese Desinvolvement of OpErações has as idealization the continuous integration, agility, quality, stability with scalability and elasticity; considering is directly related to a better feedback between the areas of IT. The image exemplifies better:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The term Devops was "invented" to describe a culture that houses both software development and operations professionals (sysadmin). The key lies in the collaboration between these two teams and has basically four main axes: culture, automation, evaluation and sharing.

A culture-driven environment Devops helps businesses produce software and services in a more agile way. In other words, generates increased productivity and reduced costs.


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