What is the difference between Httprequestcontext and Httprequest? And how to convert Httprequestcontext to Httprequest?


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What is the difference between Httprequestcontext and Httprequest? And how to convert Httprequestcontext to Httprequest?

1 answer


As far as I know, HttpRequestContext is an object that is "inside" the HttpRequest.

The HttpRequest (System.Web.HttpRequest) returns the current request, where we can read the QueryString for example.

The HttpRequestContext (System.Web.Routing.RequestContext) is the request within the current route, a route MVC for example. So much so that if a request is not made through a route, to a direct page for example, the HttpRequestContext is empty.

Convert a HttpRequestContext shouldn’t be a problem, because he’s always a requisition, so HttpRequest must be completed with the requisition data. Note that HttpRequestContext inherits from RequestContextBase, which in turn inherits from RequestContext, this can help.

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