Pass html page id inside ngFor to ts page


Viewed 822 times


I have a *ngFor of an array object, I want to pass the id inside the button to typescript to configure it as links in a modal. Follow the syntax I’m trying with no success:

<ion-item *ngFor="let item of itens">
    <ion-thumbnail item-left>
      <img src="../assets/img/{{item.img}}">
    <button id="{{}}" ion-button clear item-right (click)="chamaProd()">ver</button>
  • and component controller? what code ?

  • It would just be (click)="chamaProd(", so in your controller the function would be called Prod(id) and that id is what was passed. Have you tried this? If you want to make an example.

1 answer


Try to do it that way:



So you will pass the complete object from the list to your method chamaProd.


  chamaProd(item : <<Objeto da Lista>>){
. /* No corpo do metodo vc faz oque quiser, pois, vc tem a instancia do objeto clicado em tela */

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