I can’t edit css files


Viewed 933 times


Before I did not use PHP I only used HTML and CSS to develop the project but the need for PHP arose, so I had to use XAMPP as well, but it turns out I modified the HTML files for PHP and now I can’t edit my CSS files.

I can edit the files I switched to PHP but to edit the CSS files that are linked with PHP does not change the page, I change what I want but does not suffer effect.

Could anyone show any solution? Because before when not using PHP could edit normally, now not but.

  • 2

    If it is even the cache you can try to give a CTRL + F5 to try to clean it

  • Maybe it’s cache, tried another browser or tried a crtl + alt + r on Crhome to clear the page cache.

  • When I went to the source code of the page and then to the CSS, even if I changed it with my editor there it shows as if I had not edited.

  • Before I was updating the page with only F5, but when I pressed next to CTRL was, why does this occur ?

  • 1

    There are probably 2 files. CSS and the call from your file is indicating some css that is not what you are editing. Check out your : <link href="css/file.css" rel="stylesheet">

  • Yes I am using a CSS file for each page, this is wrong ?

  • Check the address again. Manually go to it and open the css file to make sure you’re EDITING the right guy. About cache and temporary files, I already had problems on mobile phones, browser did not update, I had to update manually, extreme exceptions! = D

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1 answer


Run the site in your browser and open the source code, and try to access the linked CSS file. If it doesn’t exist, arrange the link!

Some servers need a bar at the beginning of the file: /

The bar indicates root folder. Example: '/css/.css file.css'

If he is right, press CTRL+5, you may be editing it, but there is cache in the browser.

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