What are php ->, => and :?


Viewed 164 times


What are the operators for:

  • -> (less with greater than)
  • => (equal to greater than)
  • :: (two-point)

And what’s the difference between each.

  • 3

    Related: http://answall.com/questions/77062/qual-%C3%A9-the-name-of-the-operator-in-php-used-in-arrays

  • 4

    You also have this dup: http://answall.com/q/77062/101

  • I don’t think it’s duplicated because I wanted to know the difference between the three operators and I didn’t find this question here.

  • 1

    And knowing each one, you won’t know the difference? To put it another way, if you know what Silvio Santos is, an asteroid and a truck, do you still need some explanation of the difference between them? I would suggest reading the articles, so if you still don’t understand, you can leave comment that we help.

  • Okay Thank you very much

  • Just to be clear, it is not a "criticism" of your question, it is that if you stay open, what will appear here is a repetition of what is in the others. The idea is that you come out with the necessary knowledge anyway. The doubt is fair, we are simply trying to point to the solution that already has ready. Note that you have the @bigown comment with a missing add-on when closing, which is the link to the double arrow post =>. But any doubt, really comment.

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