What is the correct way to remove a vector element? C++


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Could the way be the same to erase an integer vector, or an object vector? Every time an element is deleted, the vector position has to be changed ? The situation is the same by eliminating at the beginning or end ?

As an example:

int vector containing : 2 54 6 7 8

The goal in my problem would be to eliminate through the Dice, if index were 0, the number 2 would be eliminated, and the vector would be with: 54 6 7 8

  • 1

    What are you doing? Give some context, show where your problem is.

  • I already edited the post to be clearer.

  • 1

    myvector.Erase (myvector.Begin()+Indice);

  • @And does the vector automatically change size after this instruction ? since if an element is eliminated its size will not stay the same.

1 answer


First remember to give a include

#include <vector>

2- create your vector

std::vector <int> nomeDoVector;

(answering the first question, you can create vector of other things just change the "int" field, and it works the same way)

3- To delete a widget by the Dice use:

nomeDoVector.erase (nomeDoVector.begin()+ 2); //apaga o 3º elemento

or pass a variable, in this case int i = 5;

nomeDoVector.erase (nomeDoVector.begin()+ i); //i = 5 apaga o 6º elemento

(answering the second question, the vector fits itself )

ex: [0,2,5,1,3] -> nameVector.Rase (nameVector.Begin()+ 2)

result: [0,2,1,3] -> note that now the number "1" is the 3rd.

The situation is the same by eliminating at the beginning or end ?

Yes, Voce can use Erase to delete any element, including the first and last. But if you want Voce you can use it to make


it automatically finds who is the last and deletes.

OBS1: Voce can also delete several elements at once thus:

nomeDoVector.erase(nomeDoVector.begin(),nomeDoVector.begin()+3);//apaga os elementos das posições 0,1 e 2.

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