I managed to generate a way Row after two columns in bootstrap, but the result was not as needed.
I have it:
$sql_3 = mysql_query("SELECT id, razao_social, cep, cidade, uf, rua, numero, bairro, complemento, logo, CodCli FROM tb_empresas") or die(mysql_error());
if (@mysql_num_rows($sql_3) <= '0')
echo "";
while ($r_sql_3 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_3))
$id_empresa = $r_sql_3[0];
$razao_social = $r_sql_3[1];
$cep = $r_sql_3[2];
$cidade = $r_sql_3[3];
$uf = $r_sql_3[4];
$rua = $r_sql_3[5];
$numero = $r_sql_3[6];
$bairro = $r_sql_3[7];
$complemento = $r_sql_3[8];
$logo = $r_sql_3[9];
$cod_cli = $r_sql_3[10];
$endereco = $rua . ", " . $numero . ", " . $bairro . ", " . $cidade . " - " . $uf;
$endereco_exibe = substr($endereco, 0, 14);
$sql_3_1 = mysql_query("SELECT telefone FROM tb_empresas_tel WHERE CodCli = '$cod_cli' AND id_emp = '$id_empresa' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
if (@mysql_num_rows($sql_3_1) <= '0')
echo "";
while ($r_sql_3_1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_3_1))
$telefone = $r_sql_3_1[0];
$telefone_exibe = substr($telefone, 0, 9);
<div class="vc_col-lg-6">
<article class="eltd-listing-list-item" id="<?php
echo $id_empresa; ?>">
<div class="eltd-listing-item-content">
<a class="eltd-listing-item-image-link" href="#" title="#">
<img width="800" height="600" src="images/logos_clientes/<?php
echo $logo; ?>" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="<?php
echo $razao_social; ?>" title="<?php
echo $razao_social; ?>" />
<div class="icone_empresas_wrapper_mapa icone_empresas">
<a class="icone_empresas" href="#" style="background-color:#ff6936 !important;">
<i class="flaticon-food item_opc_1_emp"></i>
<div class="eltd-listing-title-holder">
<a href="#" title="#">
<h3 class="eltd-listing-title" style="font-family: 'Radikal-Bold'; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 10px 0 0 0;">
echo $razao_social; ?>
<div class="categoria_exp">
<a href="#">Categoria > Saúde > Clínica ondontológica</a>
<div class="empre_tel">
<a href="#"><span><?php
echo $telefone_exibe; ?>...</span> Ver telefone</a>
<div class="categoria"></div>
<span class="eltd-listing-item-address">
<a href="#"><span><?php
echo $endereco_exibe; ?> </span> ... Ver endereço</a>
Works properly.
But I need you to manage a Row after two columns, as the blocks are misaligned, because they do not contain the same information.
Has anyone seen anything, or has any idea for a help?