iframe on my wordpress site


Viewed 1,183 times


installed the plugin https://br.wordpress.org/plugins/iframe/ on my website, and followed all the guidelines.

On the page I wanted to put iframe, I inserted the code, only it is not loading the page that is needed.

Someone’s been through this, or you can help me?

Grateful from now on!

Site that is blank: website

Page that should appear: Form

1 answer


On your page is this:

<div class="fusion-youtube-flash-fix">&shy;<style type="text/css"> iframe { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; } </style></div>

Remove that tag <style> and its content and must resolve

  • Thanks for your help Guilherme, I found the code in this path 'wp-content/themes/Avada/includes/class-Avada-init.php', I deleted the code and everything worked perfectly.

  • @Regisandrade if the answer solved the problem please mark it as correct, if you do not understand how the site works do the tour

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