I’m training Python and recently I’ve been trying to recreate the famous "Game Of Life", I managed to avoid code flaws but it is still not behaving properly.
The program was to behave this way:
Note that the game is still running through the console window and is best viewed by the standard console and I haven’t implemented editing functions yet so the grid is randomly generated.
def genhash(sizex=10, sizey=10):
hash = {}
hash["sizex"] = sizex
hash["sizey"] = sizey
for x in range(sizex):
for y in range(sizey):
hash[(x, y,)] = 0
return hash
def hashprint(h, char0="0", char1="1"):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
p = ""
for xx in range(x):
for yy in range(y):
p = p + (str(h[(xx, yy)]))
p = p + ("\n")
return p.replace("0", char0).replace("1", char1)
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
def randomhash(h, rate):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
from random import random
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
newh = {}
newh["sizex"] = x
newh["sizey"] = y
for x1 in range(x):
for y1 in range(y):
r = random()
v = 0
if r < rate:
v = 1
v = 0
newh[(x1, y1)] = v
return newh
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
def convolute(h, r="b3s23"):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
# rules
rb = r.find("b")
rs = r.find("s")
b = [int(rule) for rule in r[rb + 1:rs]]
s = [int(rule) for rule in r[rs + 1:]]
# x,y !!
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
for xxx in range(x):
# torus wrapping
xp1 = xxx + 1
xm1 = xxx - 1
if xp1 > x - 1:
xp1 -= x
if xm1 < 0:
xm1 += x
for yyy in range(y):
# torus wrapping
yp1 = yyy + 1
ym1 = yyy - 1
if yp1 > y - 1:
yp1 -= y
if ym1 < 0:
ym1 += y
# compute sum of neighbor cells
sum = (h[(xm1, yp1)] +
h[(xxx, yp1)] +
h[(xp1, yp1)] +
h[(xm1, yyy)] +
h[(xp1, yyy)] +
h[(xm1, ym1)] +
h[(xxx, ym1)] +
h[(xp1, ym1)])
# apply rules
if h[(xxx,yyy)] == 0:
if sum in b:
h[(xxx,yyy)] = 1
if sum not in s:
h[(xxx,yyy)] = 0
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
if __name__ == "__main__":
h = genhash(20, 40)
h = randomhash(h, 0.2)
import time
while 1:
print(hashprint(h, " ", "5"),"console preview")
I’ll take a look - but the first impression is "it’s bigger than it needs to be" - I remember doing a very concise implementation in 2016.
– jsbueno