Change the project API


Viewed 5,726 times


I’m with an app in android studio practically ready, only I wanted to change from API 9 to API 16 (Android 4.0). Can anyone explain? Thank you!

  • The API is typically used in two project configurations: minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion, which are minimum and target Apis respectively. Which one do you want to change? Post the build.Radle file(Module:app) and/or the manifest to support you .

1 answer


In your file build.gradle inside the app module (there are 2 but only one has these lines below) you need to change the lines minSdkVersion from 9 to 16, I usually keep the targetSdkVersion for higher, but if you really want only the 16, you can put there too.

defaultConfig {
    applicationId ""
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 24
    versionCode Integer.parseInt(AppVersionCode)
    versionName AppVersionName
    testInstrumentationRunner ""

Any more questions just leave a comment but it’s something very simple.

If you speak English, this link has a really cool article about it

  • Is that all it is? Isn’t there something else to do?! Thank you!!

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