Values in PHP search


Viewed 50 times


I have the following arguments:

//passo o valor para a variavel sómente se o get existir
$valor_pesquisar = isset($_GET['pesquisar'])?isset($_GET['pesquisar']):'';

    $valor_pesquisar = $_GET['pesquisar'];

//Selecionar todos os cursos da tabela
$result_curso = "SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE prod_nome LIKE '%$valor_pesquisar%'";
$resultado_curso = mysqli_query($conn, $result_curso);

//Contar o total de cursos
$total_cursos = mysqli_num_rows($resultado_curso);

//Seta a quantidade de cursos por pagina
$quantidade_pg = 6;

//calcular o número de pagina necessárias para apresentar os cursos
$num_pagina = ceil($total_cursos/$quantidade_pg);

//Calcular o inicio da visualizacao
$incio = ($quantidade_pg*$pagina)-$quantidade_pg;

//Selecionar os cursos a serem apresentado na página
$result_cursos = "SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE prod_nome LIKE '%$valor_pesquisar%' limit $incio, $quantidade_pg";
$resultado_cursos = mysqli_query($conn, $result_cursos);
$total_cursos = mysqli_num_rows($resultado_cursos);

I wonder how to add a echo when the search found no result.

  • 2

    When you say "Find no results", you mean if the $_GET['pesquisar'] be empty?

  • Not when in case you do the search and find no result in the search.

  • this one above is the use to show my table and tbm search, I can search normal but if I look for something I don’t have it returns the empty page I wanted to put an echo saying that did not find result.

  • vlw, I’m already going to study that stop right here.. so I don’t have any problems in the future

1 answer


Something like that?

if ($total_cursos != 0) {
    // Se houver cursos, fazer ação
} else {
    // Caso contrário, echo.
    echo "Nenhum curso encontrado";
  • yes but do not know where increment because it does not work .

  • At the end of the code. If it’s not too much to ask, you could post the part of the code where it prints the results?

  • 1

    is through a While but I’ve hit here with this solution that passed me, po Thanks same guy was breaking my head, I made the site based on studies on youtube and I’m taking these beatings ai sorry the work expensive.

  • @Léoandrade Magina hahaha One more thing, take care of SQL Injection. You should prepare the query for query. If I search for ', your code will return an error that can be used to delete your database, so be careful.

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