Table in Ireporter does not appear in the application


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Gentlemen good afternoon!

I’m in a bush with no dog and I can’t find any more solutions to my problem, look:

In my Ireport form I use the Table component. I created a dataset that is responsible for finding items from a contract in question. The query I put in this dataset is as follows:

SELECT ci.grupo||'.'||ci.subgrupo||'.'||ci.codigo AS material, ci.descricao AS descricao, ci.unidade AS unidade,
cri.quantidade AS requerido, cra.quantidade_atendida AS atendido
FROM compras.contrato_item ci
LEFT JOIN compras.contrato_requisicao_item cri ON (ci.ano = cri.ano AND ci.contrato = cri.contrato AND ci.item = cri.item)
LEFT JOIN compras.contrato_requisicao_item_atendido cra ON (cri.ano_requisicao = cra.ano_requisicao AND cri.requisicao = cra.requisicao AND cri.ano = cra.ano AND cri.contrato = cra.contrato AND cri.item = cra.item)
WHERE  cri.ano_requisicao = $P!{PARAM_ANO_REQUISICAO} AND cri.requisicao = $P!{PARAM_REQUISICAO} AND cri.ano = $P!{PARAM_ANO_CONTRATO} AND cri.contrato = '$P!{PARAM_CONTRATO}'

The detail is that these parameters are pointed to the main parameters configured in Ireport.

Now that comes the problem. When I run in the Ireport Preview the report is successfully assembled and this Table component lists all the Items in the table, but when I send the . Jasper to my java application to generate the report from the application the table does not list the items. I believe it is a problem of these parameters, because when I set these parameters manually and send the . For the application the table shows the items.

Can someone help me? Hugs!

  • Good afternoon André, you managed to resolve the issue of displaying the contents of your table?

  • 1

    Good afternoon, it’s been a long time. But I remember that the problem was my mistake. In the JAVA code I was passing the parameter with a different name... It was something like that...

  • But were you able to display something in the "Details" space of the report? Why does everything I put there not appear in my report, even if it is a Static Text

  • I put the dynamic tables in Detail 1 and they were displayed!

  • Would you please show me how you set up your jrxml file in Jasper Studio? Why have I tried N manners and nothing right

  • Give me your email I send you

  • [email protected] Thank you very much @Andre, I’ll be waiting for your email then

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