Problem with JS/Jquery/JSON/AJAX


Viewed 218 times


I’m having some problems with JSON in my application and wanted to see if you can help me, please.

The situation is as follows:

I have a method in my controller that searches some items:

@RequestMapping(value = "/buscaTodosCardapios", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public String buscaTodosCardapios(Usuario usuario, Model model){
    JSONObject retorno = new JSONObject();
        retorno.put("data", cardapioRepository.findBySubmenuIsNull());
    }catch (Exception ex){
        retorno.put("situacao", "ERRO");
        retorno.put("mensagem", "Falha ao iniciar produção!");
    return retorno.toString();

A JS file that picks up these items:

function buscaTodosCardapios(){
    url: "buscaTodosCardapios",
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    cache: false,
    success: updateCardapios

function updateCardapios(data){

Everything returns OK: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Only, as you can see, the second console.log, it returns nothing and I can’t get it to pick up any element from within the date. Can someone help me with that?

-EDIT- Solution for those who need it:

  • Check an answer if you found the solution, for more information see [tour]

3 answers


you are returning an array.

Use This

  • Returns the following error: Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'cardapioId' of Undefined

  • Exactly I changed now for this try like this

  • A little before opening here, I ended up testing this way and it worked, anyway, thank you!

  • When an answer contains the solution of your question, accept it as an answer and do not edit your question for it


As you are bringing an array of objects, to gain access, it will have to be:

  • I have tried this and it returns me the following error: Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'cardapioId' of Undefined

  • from a.log console(data[0]) and show what appears.

  • Everything worked out here, already edited the post. Thanks for trying to help!


Hello, when you use the @Requestmapping annotation to produce={"application/json"} you don’t need to write it down with @Respondebody. You also don’t need the return to be string type, you can directly return the object and Spring will transform it into json format.

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