C# Choose Email Box when sending


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I was wondering if there is any way to send emails to other inboxes, for example gmail

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At the moment my code for sending emails is this:

using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpHost"], 587))
     smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpClient"],
     smtpClient.EnableSsl = true;

     smtpClient.SendCompleted += (s, e) =>

     await smtpClient.SendMailAsync(model.GetMessage());

Is there any class, property in the client, anything I can do to achieve this goal?

  • Is the goal to send an email to a gmail account? If so, then it is to use that code you have, changing the recipient in the object of the message. ps: you’re doing it in MVC, right?

  • @Renatoafonso The goal is : Instead of sending to inbox, send to Updates, or any other.

  • By code, I think it has no form. You need to set up in your own email box a rule to redirect emails with a certain format to that specific area.

  • @Renatoafonso have any idea how to do this?

  • If it’s gmail, just go to the settings, and you have a filter and address option there, click to create a new filter, set the rules by which you want to capture the type of email you want, and then set the action (where you want to send that email)

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