How do I stop a for loop that stores the values of strings typed in C++?


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So I’ve tried everything I’ve tried to compare type typed a "." or set a limit value and even then the program does not continue, it stays inside the infinite loop. The code comes next:

vector<string> inserir(){
        for(int x = 0;x < 5;x++){
        string s;
    return f;

can anyone help me? Someone who has already had the same problem?

  • 1

    Just to understand his code is stuck in the for(... ? Strange why should he loop 5 times as you set. Check if it is right there that it is locking.

  • it can only be there because it dps to type 5 words it continues on Cin waiting to type more

  • I realized now that you are using Cin>s; and the program will stop on this line waiting for you to enter some data with the keyboard and wait for Enter to proceed.

  • I use eclipse, I didn’t rule out the possibility of it being him doing grace

  • tried on another ide gave the same thing...

  • 1

    use Std::getline(Std::Cin, s) instead of Cin >> s.

  • so when I want to read a string I use getline()?

  • put a complete (small) example...the code you posted doesn’t seem to have errors

  • posted c++ shell to facilitate

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1 answer


Your code in has a line like this

for (int y = 0; y < med.size(); x++) {

This line repeats indefinitely. Obvious correction:

for (int y = 0; y < med.size(); y++) {
  • I don’t know what you mean

  • you are y to control the loop, but is increasing x...the value of y will remain zero, and the output condition of the loop will never occur...more than this I do not know how to explain

  • I get it, thank you

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