What’s the difference between a Toolbar and an action bar?


Viewed 2,545 times


I’ve researched a lot about it and I haven’t found anything that could explain it. Is there a difference or is the same thing?

  • I never thought about it, which was because I had never used an action bar function, I always used Noactionbar and inside Toolbar I did the action

1 answer


These are different things that Toolbar can be used for the same purpose of Actionbar: providing a App bar.

These are the main characteristics of each:

Action Bar

  • It’s a special and dedicated kind of View.
  • Is positioned at the top of the screen.
  • Any application, if not otherwise indicated, has an Actionbar.
  • It consists of four parts: 1 - App Icon, 2 - View control, 3 - Action Buttons, 4 - Action overflow
    source:Android documentation - Action Bar inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It’s not easy to customise.


  • Is a Viewgroup.
  • Can be placed anywhere in the layout
  • You may have associated with it an Action Menu.
  • It has no defined structure, being a Viewgroup, may contain the type and number of Views
  • 1

    I was responding, but on Android I won’t even try to compete with you :)

  • @bigown Why not? I also answer on subjects that you dominate better than I do.

  • 1

    But because there’s something nice to answer too, in this case I wouldn’t say anything new, it would be less and less property, almost bordering on error :)

  • I got it... I was confused a lot...now it’s clearer.

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