ssh key add error to github account


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inserir a descrição da imagem aquipersonal someone is trying to add my ssh key to github account so qe is giving error, it asks for a title then I put "windows" then ask for a key so I put "" this error appears: Key is invalid. It must Begin with 'ssh-ed25519', 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', or 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'. Check that you’re copying the public half of the key

1 answer


In the title I suggest you put something that references the location you are adding. Ex.: "Personal Notebook".

Assuming you are using a Unix system, in the key you should put the contents of the file, he stays in the briefcase $HOME/. ssh, you can check the contents of the file using the command cat: cat $HOME/.ssh/

Explanation: SSH uses asymmetric encryption, which is based on the use of two keys: one (public key) used by the sender to encrypt the data before sending it, in your case Github will be the sender, and the other (private key) used to retrieve the original message, in this case your own machine. I hope I’ve helped. =)

  • thanks for answering, but the solution was only to go in the folder that had been generated copy the contents of it and paste there in the key

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