Responsive website


Viewed 194 times


Can someone help me put on the site I’m developing what they say to be Responsive, that is, when I access through a smarthphone the website fits to the smartphone and if minimize the browser window on the desktop/laptop the website fit to it?

What I saw was this style:

But I wanted to for my site and I’m not able to place, the site adjusts to the size of the window in which it is to be viewed.

Greetings and Thank You

  • One framework I advise is Bootstrap. It’s very productive. More information at:

  • Here is young padawam: Comparison table between CSS frameworks. Study you must.

  • Leaving a responsive website would fit in a book the level of explanation, which is not the purpose of this site.

  • Search on Media queries, so you can adjust the layout according to the resolution you want, and with various media queries according to each breaking point of the code.

1 answer


Leaving a responsive site is not like adding a Feature to your site, so it takes a specific styling practice for it, things ranging from a good use of measurement units (%, in, px, vw, etc.) to a good use of breckpoints. It’s critical to have at least intermediate knowledge of css to make a site really responsive.

One thing that can greatly help your life is the use of CSS libraries, the most used and that is very easy to use is the bootstrap, it has a grid system that will greatly facilitate the process of making a site responsive. I recommend that you read his documentation and see if it can be useful for you. But above all I recommend you learn about the basics of css.

Link to the bootstrap:

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