Jquery Validate does not work with extension type - File Input


Viewed 642 times


Follows the code:

$(document).ready(function () {
                ignore: ":hidden",
                rules: {

                    images: { required: true, extension: "jpg"},
                    messages: { 
                    images: Arquivo inválido}
                    submitHandler: function (form) {

                        ajax - post ....



<input type="file" id="image_preview" class="form-control" name="images" accept="image/*">

I use this bootstrap fileinput

After choosing an image, I get error:

Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'call' of Undefined. Exception occurred when checking element image_preview, check the 'Extension' method.

If I leave only "{ required: true}" it works as the required field. With the extension type does not work.

Some solution ?

  • Could be the jQuery Validate version. Downloaded from their website ?

  • Downloaded by Manage nuget Packages

  • You added the jquery.validate.methods on the page after the jquery.validate ?

  • I can’t find that name jquery.validate.methods in my script folder. Detail, downloaded straight from nuget.

1 answer


To work this type of validation is simple, add the Additional-methods.min.js along with jQuery and jQuery.Validation, and in its validation include extension with the types you want to check, in the example I put jpg|jpeg|gif, But that’s up to you.



<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post">
    <label> Digite o nome:
      <input type="text" name="tname" />
    <label> Escolha a Foto:
      <input type="file" name="tfoto" id="tfoto" />


        ignore: ":hidden",
      rules: {
        tname : {
            required : true
        tfoto : {
            required : true,
            extension: "jpg|jpeg|gif"
      messages: {
        tname : {
            required : 'Digite o nome'
        tfoto : {
            required : 'Escolha a foto',
            extension: 'Foto do tipo inválida'


Example - jsfiddle.net

To add the reference to , do:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval")


Lib - jQuery.validate

  • 1

    Thank you :) Viriglio Novic

  • 1

    I put in the answer !!! @Matheusmiranda

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