Faster parallel process but doubles billet number


Viewed 60 times


I have a process that needs to go through a list of 3000 accounts receivable, generate a billet number and save. I made an approach in parallel that is much faster, but doubles the number of billets, and a sequential, which takes 1 minute but does not duplicate.

The code is simplified to not be extended, but is good next to the original.

Approach 1 (This section takes 20 seconds to execute, but doubles the number of billets)

 Parallel.ForEach(contasReceber, contaReceber =>
     using (var faturaBLO = new Fatura())

Note: In this approach we need to instantiate an object of Fatura in each iteration as this class has a class variable of the type DbContext which is not Thread-Safe. Instantiating the object faturaBLO out of Foreach, gives error of competition(something like).

Approach 2 (takes 60 seconds and generates billet numbers correctly)

using (var faturaBLO = new Fatura())
   foreach (var contaReceber in contasReceber)

Within the class Fatura that’s basically it

public string ProximoNossoNumero(long codigoConta)
            int nossoNumero = 0;

            string stringNossoNumero = ctx.tbConta.Where( c=>c.codigoConta== codigoConta)
                                                  .Select(c => c.ultimoNossoNumero)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringNossoNumero))
                int.TryParse(stringNossoNumero, out nossoNumero);

            return (nossoNumero + 1).ToString("D8");

 public void AtualizarNossoNumero(long codigoConta, string nossoNumero)
        tbConta conta = ctx.tbConta.FirstOrDefault(c => c.codigoConta== codigoConta);
        if (conta != null)
            conta.ultimoNossoNumero= nossoNumero;
            ctx.Entry(conta).State = EntityState.Modified;

   public void SalvarContaReceber(tbContaReceber contaReceber)
      contaReceber.nossoNumero = ProximoNossoNumero(contaReceber.codigoContaBoleto);

      AtualizarNossoNumero(contaReceber.codigoContaBoleto, contaReceber.nossoNumero);


Any alternative to eliminate this duplication in billet numbers in the parallel process?

  • Read this: I’m not saying I can’t do anything to improve, because I haven’t analyzed the details (nor have all of them), but it seems that this case done the right way will not bring significant advantage in parallelizing.

  • True. In this case I don’t think it will. The generation of numbers has to be sequential anyway. I’ll leave the parallelism for the generate PDF files section of the boleto.

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