XAMPP is not working properly


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Hello, I want to learn php but I’m having a hard time doing XAMPP work.

I use the Debian Jessie, as I still don’t have much notion, I downloaded the mysql, php and apache through a package (LAMP). But now I’ve gone and installed XAMPP, which I imagine is for server management.

However, when I put in the browser "localhost" it returns me an Apache page showing that message "It Works", but in the tutorial I’m seeing the guy accesses "localhost/xampp" and goes to the screen of management of his projects, I imagine the problem is in my shaman I can’t make the services work.

Stay with the stopped always, and every time I click start doesn’t work and back to stopped.

Below picture of how the application shows me to be clearer:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    If you use Linux, why do you need to use Linux LAMP?

  • Hello, I thought it was necessary, but apparently it’s not ? Please explain to me, rs, for what I understood I need to install LAMP to have access to phpmyadmin right ? or not ?

  • No, you don’t. The PHPMyAdmin is another program. All of them (Apache, PHP, Mysql) are independent applications.

  • As you can see in this image you posted, the LAMP It’s just a kind of graphical interface for you to "control" the services. When something goes wrong (as now) you have to look at the logs and investigate to find out the reason for the failure. Translation: learn to manage services without the LAMP. It’s better.

  • I can’t guarantee you, Leo, but you may have two servers installed. One pointing to var/www/html/ and the other to the LAMP folder. I do not recommend Debian to anyone who is not yet used to servers. Ubuntu and other popular distros can better serve the learning environment. Always work by getting used to giving folder permissions by CHMOD. For more detailed package installation, no big problems, use synaptic.

  • 1

    @Paulosérgioduff, there’s no way to deduce this from the image he posted... Actually, there’s not much to deduce. In fact, we can only see that FTP runs, but that Mysql and Apache do not...

  • Hello @Paulosérgioduff, well I identified the folder var/www/html when I installed LAMP but I did not find the XAMPP htdocs folder, I think the problem starts there, thanks.

  • I didn’t deduce from the image. But often the beginner makes several different attempts to start the server. If you’re using the same door it won’t roll. Better do it the B-A-BA way I guess.

  • 1

    So you’re probably only using the LAMP interface. What I’m finding strange is that the htdocs folder is usually from windows. I do not remember if in linux it has the same name, I think not.

  • 1

    The default on Linux is /var/www/html in the newer versions of Apache. That one is your htdocs, or root directory.

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1 answer


Try to start apache and mysql manually, run the commands below in the terminal as root:


$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start


$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

It will probably return some error, copy and glue here.

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