Angular 1 - Using bindings in controller - Component


Viewed 152 times


I am using Angularjs, in creating a Component I need to access the bindings in my controller.

In html I’m calling Component so:

<component type='tipo' urlid='meuid'></component>

I’m using the second syntax for bindigs:

bindings: {
    type: '@',
    urlid: '@'

And on the controller I’m using:

function meuController() {
    var vm = this;

I’m having this comeback:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As it is possible to see in the image the attributes then in the controller(vm) but when I access them I get the return undefined.

How do I access these attributes?

  • Inside your component’s html, try using $Ctrl.addName

  • Using $Ctrl.html nameAtributo I am able to access the data. The problem is that I need to use them in my Component controller.

  • In my code I make a reference to the scope like this: "var self = this;", and in the controller, to access the attributes, I use self.attributeName

  • Ata, I messed up here, sorry, already tried to access using vm["type"] ?

  • Using vm['type'] I have the same return undefined.

2 answers


Follows code below:

vm.$onInit = function () {

So it will only access the bind when the controller is started.


I was able to access the data using $timeOut, thus:

$timeout(function () {

Perhaps there is some delay for Angular to recognize the parameters. This way I’m having the return.

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