Create a search inside a select


Viewed 497 times


wanted to know some method to incorporate a search to, facilitate the use of select in a system with many categories, looking through the internet,I found a paid script that has a solution, let’s say better. I will leave just below an image that shows this well.

If you need my select code, just ask, I urgently need the code. A hug.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    The Select2 is a free solution, and the result is exactly that of your image. It seems that such a paid solution uses the Select2...

  • bfavaretto You are a genius, how hard it was to solve this. I made myself ask for help, seeing this, I will do it more. It was simple and perfect. Thanks also to Anderson, I will study his way too, knowledge is never enough! A hug. m/

1 answer


With the bootstrap, you have the property call data-live-search="true" that allows searching in select

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