Javascript hides div when showing another div


Viewed 569 times


Can anyone tell me, how do I hide a div when show another?

I have a hidden div that only shows on receiving a condition. I wish that when this hidden div received the condition and appeared, hide another div.

However, there is no button action in this case. Upon entering the page, the visitor who has not chosen anything previously, will find a warning and in this case, would like to hide another warning that is always open.

Ex.: Condition Div1 visible at all times. Div2 is always hidden.

When entering the page; Div1 (remains visible) would like to hide it. Visible div2.


<div id="AvisoCar">
<div class="AvisoCarrinho">** AVISO IMPORTANTE **</div></div>


<div class="ValorTotalComp">
TOTAL + FRETE: R$ <?=toReal((isset($_SESSION['LOJA_DEFAULT']['VALOR_FRETE'])?$‌​_SESSION['LOJA_DEFAU‌​LT']['VALOR_FRETE']:‌​0)+$totCompra)?> <? } 

else { echo "**<div class='AvisoSacolavazia'>Sua sacola está vazia</div>**"; }?> 


I wish that when the "Your Bag is empty" notice appears on the page, hide the div

Without having to take action from any button.

I tried to do it through echo, but to no avail.

  • I don’t understand, which is the div2 and which is the div1? You have a div inside another, if you hide the div "father" the other will disappear too.

  • This div is always visible. <div id="Note"><div class="Note">** IMPORTANT NOTICE **</div>

  • This only appears when the cart is empty. <div class="Total valueOffice"> TOTAL + FREIGHT: R$ <?=toReal((isset($_SESSION['LOJA_DEFAULT']['VALOR_FRETE'])?$_SESSION['LOJA_DEFAULT']['VALOR_FRETE']:0)+$totCompra)? > <? } Else { echo "<div class='Noteempty'>Your bag is empty</div>"; }? > </div>

  • I would like to hide the div Avisocar when the div Avisosacolavazira appears

  • Edit the question and enter this information, it is better.

  • Put in the full code, and not just what’s in Else.

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1 answer


There are several ways and do this (If I understood correctly ), with jquery Oce could do so. As you did not put code, and it seems to me that using php to appear the new div, I believe that it will not appear dynamically:

//ao carregar a pagina
$(document).ready(function() {
  //verificando se existe um novo alerta
  if ($(".divQueVaiAparecer").is("div")) {
    //se existir, eu removo a que esta sempre visivel
<script src=""></script>
<div class="sempreVisivel">
  Aviso sempre visivel
<div class='divQueVaiAparecer'>Apareci</div>

Here the same code, but without the new Alert, so I keep the warning that it is always visible

//ao carregar a pagina
$(document).ready(function() {
  //verificando se existe um novo alerta
  if ($(".divQueVaiAparecer").is("div")) {
    //se existir, eu removo a que esta sempre visivel
<script src=""></script>
<div class="sempreVisivel">
  Aviso sempre visivel

A solution with Javascript would be the same, checking if the div that will appear, if it appeared, removes the one that is always visible:

When it exists:

//verifica se a div que vai aparecer, apareceu
//remove a div que fica sempre visivel
<script src=""></script>
<div class="sempreVisivel">
  Aviso sempre visivel
<div class='divQueVaiAparecer'>Apareci</div>

And when it doesn’t exist, it leaves normal like this, just the standard alert:

//verifica se a div que vai aparecer, apareceu
//remove a div que fica sempre visivel
<script src=""></script>
<div class="sempreVisivel">
  Aviso sempre visivel

I hope it helps you :)

  • Thanks friend, I got it with the first option in Jquery. It worked perfectly as needed. I tried to put the code I was using, but I didn’t understand why it didn’t appear. If you want to see the result I am providing the link If you leave the cart empty, the warning will not appear, if you include an item, it will show an instruction. Thank you again.

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