How to place 3 Adsense link ads side by side?


Viewed 536 times


How to place 3 Adsense link ads side by side like this ?


  • You have the code of some ad?

2 answers


Tables are recommended for tabular data and display: flex; works only in more modern browsers, see

To line up side by side is enough float:

Note: If you’re using Adblock or µBlock or other similar, may block this example below, This occurs due to class adsbygoogle, which is used by Adsense. To test just temporarily shut down Adblock (or similar) or put the domain for exception.

/*faz a altura do elemento propagandas seguir a altura das propagandas, necessário para se usar junto com float*/
.propagandas::after {
    clear: both;
    content: " ";
    height: 0px;
    display: block;

.propagandas {
    width: 600px; /*OBSERVE: o width deve ser a soma da largura dos .adsbygoogle*/

/*primeira propaganda e configurações para as demais, como largura e altura*/
.propagandas .adsbygoogle {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    float: left;
    background-color: #f00; /*remova as cores, é somente para entender*/

/*troca a cor do segundo, use esse seletor para customizar o segundo elemento*/
.propagandas .adsbygoogle:nth-child(2) {
    background-color: #fc0; /*remova as cores, é somente para entender*/

/*troca a cor do ultimo*/
.propagandas .adsbygoogle:last-child {
    float: right;
    background-color: #00f; /*remova as cores, é somente para entender*/
<div class="propagandas">
   <ins class="adsbygoogle" 
   <ins class="adsbygoogle" 
   <ins class="adsbygoogle" 

Note: Element 1 and 2 use float: left;, already the last element uses float: right; due to some situations when using the browser zoom or Quirks Mode and Standards Mode (Standards Mode is equivalent to Quirks Mode from Internet Explorer, usually occurs in browsers other than IE) the element ended up going down.

Note that it is possible to add more elements, just adjust the width: of this selector:

.propagandas {
    width: <Coloque aqui a medida da soma da largura de todos elementos>px;

Adjust the width and height of the banners here:

.propagandas .adsbygoogle {
    width: <Coloque aqui a largura padrão dos banners>px;
    height: <Coloque aqui a altura padrão dos banners>px;
    float: left;
    background-color: #f00;

If you want to adjust the width of a specific banner, use the :nth-child(), for example, if you have 5 banners and you want the fourth banner to have different measure:

.propagandas .adsbygoogle:nth-child(4) {
    width: <Coloque aqui a largura do banner especifico>px;
    height: <Coloque aqui a altura do banner especifico>px;
  • see in the source code of this page if the use of table was for tabular data

  • @Leocaracciolo to page

  • this one right here

  • 1

    @Leocaracciolo you want to compare a system made in 2008 to something done at the time of today, you want to really state that just because a great site used is "something good". Sorry I must inform you that you can use yes, but the focus of the use is different, as ( is "Consorcio" that manages HTML usage recommendations for browsers to adapt)I hope you understand that this is a constructive criticism and not an offence. If you learn to receive criticism at the right time it will surely evolve. Until.

  • the question is not "something good" is something that works and will always work and for those who are starting nothing like starting from b a ba

  • @Leocaracciolo o B A BA define is So you ask me: 1- Does using tables for nontabular things work? A: It works! 2- Are there recommendations for best use? There are! 3- Who defines? 4- Did Guilherme create No... So please understand that a constructive criticism is a good thing and not a bad thing. Have a great afternoon. See you.

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See if this way helps you:

#ad {
  height: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;

  /* habilita o flex nos filhos diretos */
  display: -ms-flex;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: flex;

  /* centraliza na horizontal */
  -ms-justify-content: center;
  -webkit-justify-content: center;
  justify-content: center;
<div id="ad">
<td><img width="200" src=""/></td>
<td><img width="200" src=""/></td>
<td><img width="200" src=""/></td>

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