I downloaded Linq2db.Firebird via Nuget and changed the file as per the tutorial:
<#@ template language="C#" debug="True" hostSpecific="True" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.cs" #>
<#@ include file="$(ProjectDir)LinqToDB.Templates\LinqToDB.Firebird.ttinclude" #>
<#@ include file="$(ProjectDir)LinqToDB.Templates\PluralizationService.ttinclude" #>
1. Copy this file to a folder where you would like to generate your data model,
rename it, and delete .txt extension. For example:
2. Modify the connection settings below to connect to your database.
3. Add connection string to the web/app.config file:
<add name="dados" connectionString="DataSource=localhost;Database=E:\OneDrive\VisualStudio\BancoFirebird\BancoFirebird\DADOS.GDB;User Id=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey" providerName="Firebird" />
4. To access your database use the following code:
using (var db = new MyDatabaseDB())
var q =
from c in db.Customers
select c;
foreach (var c in q)
5. See more at https://github.com/linq2db/t4models/blob/master/Templates/ReadMe.LinqToDB.md.
NamespaceName = "DataModels";
LoadFirebirdMetadata("localhost", @"E:\OneDrive\VisualStudio\BancoFirebird\BancoFirebird\DADOS.GDB");
// LoadFirebirdMetadata(string server, string database, string uid, string password);
// LoadFirebirdMetadata(string connectionString);
I did steps one through three:
- I copied the file to a folder called Datamodels and renamed it to data.tt
I changed the configuration, as you can see in the file:
Loadfirebirdmetadata("localhost", @"E: Onedrive Visualstudio Bancofirebird Bancofirebird DADOS.GDB");
- I changed the Connection string, as you can also see in the file above and included in the app.config.
however, I keep getting the error:
Compiling transformation: The type or namespace name 'LinqToDB' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) BancoFirebird
On this line: <#@include file="$(ProjectDir)LinqToDB.Templates\LinqToDB.Firebird.ttinclude" #>
Since I’ve been in the folder and I saw that the file is there.
What I must do?