Good afternoon!
I need help creating a python code that reads a folder containing images, check the number of existing images and compress the images in packages of up to 50mb.
Good afternoon!
I need help creating a python code that reads a folder containing images, check the number of existing images and compress the images in packages of up to 50mb.
The script below will accomplish the task of compressing the files into multiple volumes. Just run in the directory where your files are. As the fernandosavio has already said, I suggest you optimize the images for an effective reduction in disk space.
import glob
import zipfile
import os
def compress(filename, volumeSize, filetype='*'):
''' Compacta arquivos do diretório em volumes filename{n}.zip
com o tamanho máximo de volumeSize bytes.
Uso: compress('volume.zip', 50000000, filetype='jpg')
filename - Nome dos volumes .zip que serão gerados.
Ex: filename='myzip.zip'
myzip.zip, myzip1.zip, myzip2.zip, myzip(n)...
filetype - Se informado compacta apenas os arquivos com a
extensão informada. Por padrão compacta todos
arquivos do diretório.
Ex: filetype='png'
volumeSize - Tamanho máximo em bytes dos volumes .zip.
Ex(50MB): volumSize = 50000000
userFileName = filename
if filetype != '*':
filesToCompress = [file for file in glob.glob('*.' + filetype)]
filesToCompress = [file for file in glob.glob('*.png')]
volumNumber = 1
for file in filesToCompress:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
tmp = open(filename, 'rb').read()
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'a') as myzip:
zipVolumeSize = os.stat(filename).st_size
# se com a inclusão do arquivo exceder o tamamho maximo do volume
if zipVolumeSize > volumeSize:
# recupera o arquivo antes da inclusão
with open(filename, 'wb') as myzip:
# cria um novo volume zip e insere o arquivo
name, extension = userFileName.split('.')
filename = name + str(volumNumber) + '.' + extension
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'a') as myzip:
volumNumber += 1
print('{} arquivos compactados em {} volumes.'.format(len(filesToCompress),
Thanks my friend, you helped me a lot.
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ok. What have you done? As the question stands, it looks more like a software order.
– jsbueno
The most common image formats are already compressed, what you could do is apply some optimization lossy or Lossless depending on what you need. But as the friend mentioned, what you have already tried?
– fernandosavio