Access denied when using MS Syncframework


Viewed 153 times


I’m trying to implement a system where I need to have a local database (SQL Compact) and a cloud database (MSSQL) that can be synchronized. The shape I found that I’m following is the one specified on this link.

But I am having some problems when host the WCF service on a dedicated server (on the IIS of my machine is working).

The error found is as follows:

Exceptiondetail, probably created by Includeexceptiondetailinfaults=true, whose value is:

System.Unauthorizedaccessexception: Retrieving the COM class Factory for Component with CLSID {EC413D66-6221-4EBB-AC55-4900FB321011} failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)). at Microsoft.Synchronization.Syncidformatgroup.get_ProviderSyncServices()

Has anyone ever experienced a similar mistake? Or know a simpler way to implement it?

1 answer


Concerning the error

Most likely IIS is trying to load one of the Syncframework libraries that is not installed on the server.

Try installing/reinstalling redistributable on the server (x86/x64 depending on your server).

Alternative to the Syncframework

An alternative to Syncframework is to use SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services).

SISS offers a graphical interface that you can use to draw what you are trying to do (and the SISS package can run SQL commands to solve data duplication/conflict problems, etc.). You can then schedule the package to run on an SQL Server Job when needed.

(personal opinion as of this moment)

I used both technology, but much more Syncframework and the problem I faced is the overhead technical necessary to create and maintain a solution made with this framework.

If you have the opportunity, explore the idea of SSIS and taking into account that support for this feature is greater than for Syncframework.

  • I tried to reinstall the server version and the error continues. I also tried the alternative answered at this forum: [] and nothing else. I’ll make a few more attempts and study the SSIS to see what I can do here.

  • Which version did you install, x86 or x64? Sometimes, although the server is x64, Syncframework searches for x86 libraries (due to erroneous references in the project). Try installing both versions (x64 and x86) and see if the error persists.

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