Authorizeattribute in Controlller and Actions


Viewed 198 times


When using an attribute (Authorizeattribute) developed by me (with use of Enums) it is not working as it should as follows:

When used to memorize the Controller statement:

public class UsuarioController : BaseController
{ ... }

It works normally as it should, but when using Actions within this same controller, as far as I know, I should overwrite the controller only in this Action in which it is decorated with its other Enums or with the use of the [Allowanonymous].

The idea is that attributes in Actions should override the one defined in the Controller statement, just as [Allowanonymous] does perfectly.

public class UsuarioController : BaseController
    //não funciona
    [UserTypeAuthorize(TipoUsuario.Administrador, TipoUsuario.Moderador)]
    public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
    { ... }

    //deveria funcionar somente para Moderador
    public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
    { ... }

    public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
    { ... }

Meu Authorizeattribute:

    public class UserTypeAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
        public UserTypeAuthorizeAttribute(params TipoUsuario[] tiposUsuario)
            Roles = string.Join(",", tiposUsuario.Select(u => u.ToString()));

        protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl);

NOTE: Authenticated users have their correct types.

1 answer


The idea is that attributes in Actions should override the one defined in the Controller, as well as the [AllowAnonymous] makes perfectly.

It’s not really like that. [Authorize] is additive, so when you do:

public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
{ ... }

"Moderator" and "Administrator" are authorized to receive the result of Action.

It has the same effect as this other Action:

[UserTypeAuthorize(TipoUsuario.Administrador, TipoUsuario.Moderador)]
public ActionResult Edit(Guid id)
{ ... }

What you should do for this case is to give up using in the decoration of Controller. Use only the decoration by Actions, explaining which permissions can be used.

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