Angularjs - NG-Click to repeat HTML block


Viewed 418 times


I am developing a "dynamic" form, where users choose the sequence, quantity and which fields to fill. Then I used ng-click to repeat the HTML code of the form as follows below:

the buttons: (There are 3 buttons, one for text, a video, another for image, I copied only one to be cleaner).

<div class="col-md-12 bloco_botoes" ng-controller="InformacoesObraController">                
     <a class="btn btn-default btn-lg" ng-model="item.texto" ng-click="adicionaTexto()">

My Controller:

function InformacoesObraController($scope) {
     $scope.textos = [];

     $scope.adicionaTexto = function() {
         var elTexto = angular.element(
             '<div class="input-group"><input id="nome_obra" name="texto" class="form-control" type="text-area" required=""></div>'

Location where the HTML block is inserted:

<div class="col-md-12">
    <br><br><div id="forms-element"></div>               

The Problem:

When I send the information to the Bank I have problem because all fields have the least name (name="text"), then just record the first block. I am sending to a Mongodb Bank and thought of converting the data in the POST to JSON, hand did not work.

help me Please! :)

  • @Souzaxavier I believe you will have to send this data in a collection of "texts".

  • @Fabiosilvalima in what way? Because it is already being saved a collection. But with feathers an item.

  • Too bad now I can’t help you, tomorrow I see this parade

  • As I understand it, Voce needs to add an index example: ng-model="item.text[$index]" This index should be added at each click. So in the click add it should scroll through the text list.

  • I will try to implement this index. Thank you! @Juniorporpirio

1 answer


Dude, you need to send a string array to your backend, I don’t know what you’re backend, but I believe the form below solves your problem

function InformacoesObraController($scope) {

 $scope.countTexto = 0;

 $scope.textos = [];

 $scope.adicionaTexto = function() {
     var elTexto = angular.element(
         '<div class="input-group"><input id="nome_obra" name="texto["' + ($scope.countTexto++) + ']"  class="form-control" type="text-area" required=""></div>'

This way we use the countText counter to create an array of strings

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