Create xmpp server


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I would like to know if there is still the possibility of writing a SERVER XMPP in C#. I have tried searching the internet, on many websites, and they only provide the CLIENT. I don’t know if the client can be used for that function, XMPP is very old, but I need this to work with a game system.

NOTE: I’ve tried Openfire and Jabber, but I want to work with custom queries, and database connection, connect to a dedicated server, etc.

  • When you say queries customizadas means to customize the return of a request?

  • yes, for example in this project I am working on the game, it returns get and result, with information like for example, create a game room, buy some item in the store etc.

  • I tried using Tcplistener, to see if it would have how to return, but it needs the events, Onconnect, and Onauthenticate that in XMPP has!

  • Example of catching the player’s achievements: <iq from='masterserver@game/xxx' type='result'>&#xA; <query>&#xA; <get_achievements>&#xA; <achievement profile_id="1597755">&#xA; <chunk achievement_id="52" progress="522318" completion_time="0"/>&#xA; <chunk achievement_id="53" progress="522318" completion_time="0"/>&#xA; <chunk achievement_id="54" progress="10" completion_time="1459026091"/>&#xA; </achievement>&#xA; </get_achievements>&#xA; </query>&#xA; </iq>

  • I even know xmpp-server in . js but I don’t know much about Nodejs

  • 1

    I did a job for college a long time ago, I tried something similar (customize requests/returns on the server) but with time was short I decided not to implement. I guess I’d have to go through the server (Java) and study XMPP to do what you want. XMPP is ancient but is powerful, saved deception, Whatsapp still uses a version of its own.

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