Are Quias the differences between Web App, Native App and Hybrid App?


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Whenever I do research on mobile development I come across three terms that appear a lot in the surveys.

Those terms are:

  • Web App
  • Native App
  • Hybrid App

And this generated me some doubts that I would like to be clarified, the doubts come right down.


  1. What is Web App?
  2. What is Native App?
  3. What is Hybrid App?
  4. Quias are the differences between Web App, Native App and Hybrid App?

2 answers


Web App

Web App is the application made for rotate in a browser normal internet. It can even be SPA, but it will still be like a website, using HTML, CSS, JS, etc. today pe JS is not so necessary, has options), with all normal limitations of the web. Does not access the privileged resources of the operating system.

It usually runs well in multiple platforms, with a little care. There are controversies, but it is said that it is the cheapest when you want to run on any device. Running on all browsers, on all devices, is not as simple as it may seem.

You have all the difficulties of running on an interface that you don’t have full control of. A usability not the best possible for most cases, it is typical of the web.

It is interesting for who will be a occasional user. Him no need to install something to run. But you need to know the address (URL) where the application is and enter the browser. Don’t expect a person to install an app to use one or the other time. People install very few apps on their devices and will only do so if they are very useful or if they are very fond of it.

Native App

Native App is that is uses native device resources directly and has access to everything in the best possible way. Roughly speaking we can say that it’s like making the desktop application that we’re used to. For example using Win32, or some library that accesses it more or less directly.

Generally wheel well on only one platform. But there are libraries that help run the same code base with little adaptation on more than one platform while maintaining the native feature. Xamarin, for example. Here is only opinion but technologies like Xamarin make the hybrid almost unnecessary.

It usually gives the best result in usability. Also tends to be fastest.

It’s a real app.

Hybrid App

Hybrid App is a web application usually running in one Runtime specific, may even be a browser personalized for this and that allows access native resources which are not normally available on browser normal. It is a normal application.

Of course, nothing prevents a hybrid application from being made in a slightly different model, but it’s usually like this.

People use it to try to make a single application run on multiple platforms without so many restrictions. It doesn’t always work out as well as expected. It depends on the search result and available budget.

It is a mid-term solution between the above. The result is middle ground:

  • Usability is good but not great.
  • Performance is not the best, but acceptable.
  • Access device resources, but not in the best possible way and not always everything is available, at least not immediately to launch
  • Consumes more feature than native, including battery, but less than web.
  • The work is not as big as making native for each platform, but not as small as making one for all.


For me there are two options. Web or native, depending on the intention, public.

If it’s native, you have to choose whether it’s going to hit more than one platform. Remember that Android reaches the majority of the market, depending on the audience to be reached, 70, 80, or even more than 90% of the market, and the share is growing. Outside it practically only iOS is actually used and has no negligible absolute growth.

Many apps will be used for a very specific audience, probably for employees of a company who use or may use a standardized device. You don’t always need a platform anymore.

You gonna do it for more than one platform? Then the choice is whether to make an application for each of them, and that has its advantage there, or use the same basis for all of them (probably two, or three at most).

Roughly we will say that if the professionals involved dominate the technologies, make the native application gives a result of 100%, make native with a compatibilization library gives 95, who knows 98%, but it may be only 90%, depends on the quality of it, make hybrid, gives 70, 80%, and 50% web, of course depends on each case. Don’t consider these numbers as a study, it’s just my perception.

If done right, coding doesn’t weigh so much in the cost. Making for three platforms won’t cost three times as much. Harnessing code for all three won’t reduce the cost to a third.


1. What is Web APP?

Web App is an application developed using web technologies (HTML5, CSS. Javascript). But done with the intention of imitating or being very similar to a mobile application using responsive design techniques, for example. The term may also refer to a web application (not intended to resemble a mobile application).


  • Who has a browser can access.
  • Does not need to be put in a Store( App Store, Play Store)
  • It uses highly widespread technologies (HTML, CSS and Javascript). What makes it easier to find professionals.


  • It does not access certain functions of the Operating System. What can hinder user interaction.
  • Access to the app depends on a browser (certain users do not like this).

2. What is Native App?

These apps are those developed using the languages and code libraries provided by the manufacturer of the operating system. For example, for Android you use Java, Gradle, Android Studio and android libraries/APIS (import android).


  • You have access to Operating System calls
  • Generally performs better than other solutions.
  • Utilizes native interface components which helps in user experience.


  • Cost is very high to maintain two teams, for example, for Android and for iOS.
  • Finding professionals with both their skills or a platform can be difficult.
  • Maintenance is laborious.

3. What is Hybrid App?

The hybrid application is developed using web technologies as well as the Web App, but are not for browsers. These applications are designed to be used within a Webview - an interface component that exists in all mobile environments that interprets Javascript, HTML and CSS-, so this type of application can make calls to the Operating System and use Hardware features such as Camera, access to files for writing and reading.


  • It may be distributed by Stores
  • Just need a team to maintain and implement Features.


  • Performance may be a problem depending on the application.
  • Does not access some calls from the Operating System or works poorly with them.
  • Difficulty in maintenance, as several libraries are used to achieve a behavior similar to Native.

    4. Chi are the differences between Web App, Native App and Hybrid App?

I think I have listed some above, but if you want to go deeper have some links (in English) below:

Stackoverflow in English

This link quotes some pros and cons

A couple of cool images

Diferença entre Native, Web e Hybrid Apps

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