In Python is there a debug function equivalent to "print_r" or "var_dump" in PHP?


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In Python there is some function for debug equivalent to print_r or var_dump of PHP?

For example, in PHP:

$valor = 'Hello';

var_dump($valor); string(5)'Hello'

In Python would have some similar function for debug?

  • 3

    Take a look at this library debug.

1 answer


pr (Python 2) and reprlib (Python 3)

Produces a string-like representation of a passed object such as parameter.


Produces formatted data output.

Example (source: pymotw.with):

from pprint import pprint

from pprint_data import data

print 'PRINT:'
print data
print 'PPRINT:'
$ python

[(0, {'a': 'A', 'c': 'C', 'b': 'B', 'e': 'E', 'd': 'D', 'g': 'G', 'f': 'F', 'h': 'H'}), (1, {'a': 'A', 'c': 'C', 'b': 'B', 'e': 'E', 'd': 'D', 'g': 'G', 'f': 'F', 'h': 'H'}), (2, {'a': 'A', 'c': 'C', 'b': 'B', 'e': 'E', 'd': 'D', 'g': 'G', 'f': 'F', 'h': 'H'})]

  {'a': 'A',
   'b': 'B',
   'c': 'C',
   'd': 'D',
   'e': 'E',
   'f': 'F',
   'g': 'G',
   'h': 'H'}),
  {'a': 'A',
   'b': 'B',
   'c': 'C',
   'd': 'D',
   'e': 'E',
   'f': 'F',
   'g': 'G',
   'h': 'H'}),
  {'a': 'A',
   'b': 'B',
   'c': 'C',
   'd': 'D',
   'e': 'E',
   'f': 'F',
   'g': 'G',
   'h': 'H'})]

These PHP functions are functions of output/writing on screen, whereas var_dump has the peculiarity to show information about the variable.

To get a good approximation of the function var_dump, you can use so on Python 2.7.* and Python 3:


As noted by @Miguel, vars() only works if "a" has an attribute Dict, which is a dictionary or mapping of an object that stores attributes of that object, if it is integer or string, e. g., it is no longer possible.

You can use the Debugger python (PDB):


    Exemplo de uso do debugger do Python
#Importa a biblioteca PDB
import pdb
#Inicie seu programa
objeto = "maçã"

#Ponto onde o debugger vai começar a exibir informação sobre o programa
sujeito = "Mauricio"
verbo = "gosta"

frase = sujeito + " " + verbo + " " + objeto

  • 3

    I think it only works if the a have attribute __dict__, if it is integer or string for ex no longer gives

  • 1

    I tried here and made that mistake: TypeError: vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute

  • There are a few things you could explain better, and there must be ways to order it, look here: . You can count on my +1 if the answer is extended and improved

  • I will do that yes. There are still other functions I want to put there. Only I’m at work now rsrss.

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