Problem with bank call for listing


Viewed 76 times


Good evening, I am developing a system of hours, but I was barred by a connection problem so I could do the listing of my database on the screen...

When I update the page it presents me two errors:

Warning: mysql_select_db() expects Parameter 2 to be Resource, Object Given in C: wamp64 www Harmonia - site Adm Admagenda.php on line 6


Warning: mysqli_query() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli, string Given in C: wamp64 www Design Beauty and Harmony Beauty and Harmony - Adm Admagenda.php on line 11

I tried to tidy up according to the knowledge I have of php that in the case I’m still new, and I needed to solve this problem, in case what would be wrong?

my php code:

//require_once 'valida.php';
// definições de host, database, usuário e senha

mysql_select_db($bd, $link);

// cria a instrução SQL que vai selecionar os dados
$selecionar = "SELECT id, horas de segunda feira FROM horas_segunda";
// executa a query
$dados = mysqli_query($selecionar, $link) or die(mysql_error());
// transforma os dados em um array
$linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($dados);
// calcula quantos dados retornaram
$total = mysql_num_rows($dados);

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                   <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span> <span class="texto-centro margin-canto10">As configurações selecionadas abaixo sera alterada no Agendamento online. Por favor tomar cuidado nas escolhas das opções seguinte, suas definições são online.
                        <br/> Em caso de congestionamento no servidor aguardar de 5 a 10 minutos.</span>




        <div class="container">
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                <h2 class="dourado texto-centro margin-top30 bold">Configuração da agenda online</h2>

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                <h3 class="texto-centro dourado">Agenda da 1º semana</h3>
                <hr />

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    if($total > 0) {

        do {

                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-lg-2 texto-centro hora-banco">


                            <div class="col-lg-2 texto-centro hora-banco">



        }while($linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($dados));



            <div class="form-alterar margin-top40 texto-centro">
                <h3 class="margin-top20">Área de alteração dos horários</h3>
            <form name="alterar" method="post" action="">

                <div class="row texto-centro">
            <span>Id = </span> <input type="text" class="campo-alterar texto-centro margin-canto10" placeholder="Insira o id da tabela" /> 

                    <span>Hora = </span> <input type="text" class="campo-alterar texto-centro margin-canto10" placeholder="Hora que deseja" />

                            <div class="row texto-centro margin-top20">
                <button ng-click="atualizar()" value="descobrir" class="botao-atualizar">Atualizar <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send branco"></span></button>



                <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">Para poder ter sucesso na alteração da agenda terá que ver qual id que deseja para poder selecionar</div>





// tira o resultado da busca da memória

my php connection:


$host = "localhost";
$usuario = "root";
$senha = "";

$link = new mysqli($host, $usuario, $senha, $bd);

if($link -> connect_errno) {
    echo "Falha na conexão: (".$link->connect_errno.") ".$link->connect_error;

  • Typo, reversed the parameters: mysqli_query($link, $selecionar) and this here is wrong: or die(mysql_error()); would be or die(mysqli_error($link));

2 answers


If I’m wrong you reversed, it’s the $link first. And on or die(mysql_error()) you used absoleta function mysql different from the one you’re using. The right one would be:

$dados = mysqli_query($link,$selecionar) or die(mysqli_error($link));

On this line the parameters are inverted too, and again the confusion with mysql:

mysql_select_db($bd, $link);

The right thing would be:


But it is not necessary to select the comic again, since on that line $link = new mysqli($host, $usuario, $senha, $bd); you have already selected it, unless you have intentionally altered it.

Check out the documentation :

  • ah got it, and now this showing error on line 6 that in the case would be that mysql_select_db($bd, $link);

  • Inverted too

  • Ahh... I bought the booklet from PHP & Mysql arrived 3 days ago kkkk... but thank you guys


You are mixing the procedural mysqli with the object oriented mysqli. The following is the correct one:

$selecionar = "SELECT id, horas de segunda feira FROM horas_segunda";
$dados = $link->query($selecionar);
$linha = $dados->fetch_assoc();
$total = $dados->num_rows;

Note: in the line oriented version of mysqli_select_db() is no longer needed.

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