SELECT Multiple Date Range in Mysql


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Guys, I have a problem extracting dates on a range of trainings. What I need is the following if a training had its beginning on 01/01/2017 and its completion on 03/03/2017 raise should return in the select below for the months 01,02 and 03. Today this select only returns me the trainings that were created within a month.

SELECT  distinct * 
FROM treinamentos,usuario_x_treinamento,usuario
WHERE status_treinamento = 'REALIZADO' 
AND treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento >='2017/01/1'
AND treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento <='2017/01/31'
AND usuario_x_treinamento.id_usuario = usuario.id_usuario
AND usuario_x_treinamento.id_treinamento = treinamentos.id_treinamentos;

But since I’m only using the range at the start date I can’t make the selection I need.

PS : Select runs for all months of the year (it is used to generate a report).

What I need is to maintain the range Month by Month but also take into account the trainings that extend for more than a month.

  • Is the end date of the training registered in the bank? Is there an amount of days/months fixed? Is there where to get the duration of the training? Otherwise there is no way to resolve this issue.

1 answer


If the DB is in date format, it is very simple (you can do with string too, but the performance is worse).

Suppose you want the trainings that were in effect in the month 5 of 2017:

   status_treinamento = 'REALIZADO' 
      '201705' BETWEEN
      EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento) AND
      EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento)
      usuario_x_treinamento.id_usuario = usuario.id_usuario
      usuario_x_treinamento.id_treinamento = treinamentos.id_treinamentos;

Points of interest:

  • The function EXTRACT brings the year and month of a date in format YYYYMM when used with YEAR_MONTH. In this case, use zeros to the left of the month for comparison;

  • As your report is monthly, we choose to separate this way to ignore the day and avoid complications of knowing last day of the month;

  • The expression a BETWEEN c AND d amounts to ( a >= b AND a <= c ), simplifying the reading.

  • I believe that’s exactly what I need, I’ll take the test !

  • 1

    Bacco , I did the test and it worked perfectly !!! Thank you very much ! (I can not be positive for my low reputation but I scored as a response).

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