How to remove %3F among others from the result?


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This is my first attempt with programming, I saw on a website a link that when putting in the favorites would serve to download a youtube video only in mp3 format, but n worked, while making attempts I understood why and tried to fix, I was able to partially do it because the result shows the symbols in the form of code and I can not do anything to remove it

javascript:(function() {if (location.href.indexOf('') > -1) {'' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) .replace("https", "") .replace("youtube", "") .replace("www.", "") .replace(".com", "") .replace("watch", "") .replace(/[%3A]/, '') .replace("", "") .replace("", ""));} else {alert('So funciona no youtube carambola');}})();

BS: I know you have some unused commands there but this is a very initial version and there are some very testing things that I don’t think are influencing

obs: doing this by Chrome (I don’t know if it makes a difference but I thought it would be good to comment)

obsss: I initially did a post on American stackoverflow, link: (in case anyone wants to see)

1 answer


You can use the function: decodeURIComponen. Follow a simple example:

var texto = "%3F%3F%3F";

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