Javascript validation does not work


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Person, all right? So, I have an alert div (that of bootstrap) with the None display and Hidden visibility I’m getting it by id, both in css and javascript, only it doesn’t work. It changes the properties of CSS but still sends the data to PHP, the validation is not worth anything haha. Help me, please. this is one of the inputs I want to validate.

    <input type="text" name="pergunta" data-placement="bottom" class="form-control" placeholder="Ex: XXXXXXXXXX?" aria-describedby="basic-addon1">

This is the div I put as Hidden by default, it is positioned below the input:

<div class="alert alert-danger" id="valida_pergunta" role="alert"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span> Preencha o campo Pergunta</div>

When I click, I want it to display the div that is like Hidden and do not send anything to PHP.

  function validar (){
var pergunta = form_pergunta.pergunta.value;
var resposta = form_pergunta.resposta.value;
var desafio = form_pergunta.desafio.value;
  document.getElementById("valida_pergunta").style.display = "flex";
if (resposta == "") {
  document.getElementById("valida_resposta").style.display ="flex";
if (desafio ==""){
  document.getElementById("valida_desafio").style.display = "flex";

1 answer


Have a look at your code, there must be something else affected this behavior.

Another thing, there is no need to change visibility and display. Only the display is sufficient.

Look at this code I made to illustrate.

Only with the display already worked.

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="input" />
<div class="alert alert-danger" id="valida_pergunta" role="alert" style="display: none;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></span> Preencha o campo Pergunta</div>
<button onclick="validar()">VAI</button>

  function validar() {
    var input = document.getElementById("input").value;

    if (input == "") {
      document.getElementById("valida_pergunta").style.display = "inline";


As discussed in chat, it has been identified that there is no action preventing Submit.

To solve this, we will follow good practices and execute all our JS when the DOM is ready.

For that reason:

window.onload = function(){
      //Código aqui

First thing we must do is to have access to the button and the form, for this we will create two variables:

var button = document.getElementById("enviar");
var form = document.getElementById("form_pergunta");

(Don’t forget to put the id="send" there in the HTML button)

With access to this, we can perform a function every time the button is clicked, for this we will use the addEventListener() button and put the following logic: IF THE VALIDATE FUNCTION RETURNS TRUE, PLEASE SUBMIT TO THE FORM.

button.addEventListener("click", function(e){
    if(validar(form)) form.submit();

Now let’s see the validate function. This will receive a parameter which is the form itself that we recovered above.

function validar (form_pergunta){ 
 var pergunta = form_pergunta.pergunta.value; 
 var resposta = form_pergunta.resposta.value; 
 var desafio = form_pergunta.desafio.value; 
 var passou = true;
  document.getElementById("valida_pergunta").style.display = "flex"; 
   passou = false;
 if (resposta == "") { 
  document.getElementById("valida_resposta").style.display ="flex"; 
  passou = false;
if (desafio ==""){ 
  document.getElementById("valida_desafio").style.display = "flex"; 
  passou = false;
return passou;    


That way it should work.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • I’m using an input of type Submit, and the elements are inside a form, this has problem?

  • No problem. makes a console.log(input) to know if you are recovering the inputs correctly.

  • I still don’t know how to use this function, maaaaas, I gave an if on the variable you receive, if you have empty it gives an Alert, if not, it does nothing. worked, is getting the data.

  • console.log() is a function to log everything that is javascript object. To see the log just press F12 (Chrome) and go in the Console tab. Anyway, with Alert also works. Remove the CSS that is changing the visibility of the div and only move with the display, as I showed in the code. Inclusive, you can copy the code if you want, feel free.

  • solved the problem, now it validates all fields, I took the php action from the form, it validates and returns the original page, only it does it very fast. If I put php action it validates but sends anyway.

  • function validar (){&#xA; var pergunta = form_pergunta.pergunta.value;&#xA; var resposta = form_pergunta.resposta.value;&#xA; var desafio = form_pergunta.desafio.value;&#xA; if(pergunta==""){&#xA; document.getElementById("valida_pergunta").style.display = "flex"; } if (answer == "") { Document.getElementById("valida_response").style.display ="flex"; } if (challenge ==""){ Document.getElementById("valida_challenge").style.display = "flex"; } }

  • Now it’s validated, fine, just that I want it to stop and don’t send anything to php kkkk he’s sending anyway.

  • Edit your question and put the whole javascript code so I can help you.

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