Nuget ASP package


Viewed 34 times


I maintain an ASP system (legacy is legacy) that has difficulty controlling system versions and upgrades.

Thinking about how to improve this and gain stability for the system between versions I noticed that Nuget may be a good option for this purpose.

But as not everything is flower I would like to have some ideas what limitations or cons I could find in using something in that sense.

I believe that with this it would be possible to even risk continuous integration in ASP.

  • Git I think is better already Nuget would be packages... If it is Git versioning.

  • 1

    Here we use GIT to convert the code. Using Nuget would be by creating dependencies and controlling it more easily. Because the system is divided into several modules some depends on others depend on the core. It would help especially at this point.

  • I get it. For example the Laravel Framework has several packages all of them separated when one needs the other the package has this particular reference and urges the dependencies. Since it is traditional Asp (vbscript) it is very similar to the way PHP uses because it is files. nuget might give but it would also be a lot of work. Good is another warning.

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