I need to create a solution for a client of a web application that produces calculations of the position of the planets.
I was indicated to use this library swedll32.dll , and did some tests and works very well in Delphi 7.
The problem is that I need to publish in a web application and I’m not getting it to work. I tried using . net
What solution do I need:
A web application (any language) that accesses this dll and makes the calculations
A hosting option for this application
For more details of the application follow links of example codes and documentation.
I’ll put an excerpt of code on very simple Delphi to understand what I need.
Most grateful =)
function swe_julday(year : integer;
month : integer;
day : integer;
hour : double;
gregflag : integer
) : double; stdcall; far; external 'swedll32.dll' name '_swe_julday@24';
function swe_calc(tjd : double; {Julian day number}
ipl : Integer; {planet number}
iflag : Longint; {flag bits}
var xx : double; {first of 6 doubles}
sErr : PChar {Error-String}
): Longint; stdcall; far; external 'swedll32.dll' name '_swe_calc@24';
function PegaPosicaoDoPlaneta() : string;
tjdet : double;
planet_number : integer
iday, imonth, iyear : integer;
iflag, rflag : Longint;
xx : Array[0..5] of double;
serr : Array[0..255] of Char;
sjul: String[30];
resultado : string;
iday := 1;
imonth := 1;
iyear := 2016;
ihour := 11;
imin := 59;
isec := 00;
dhour := ihour + imin / 60.0 + isec / 3600.0;
tjd := swe_julday(iyear, imonth, iday, dhour, 1);
planet_number := 0;
iflag := 0;
rflag := swe_calc(tjd, planet_number, iflag, xx[0], serr);
Str(xx[0]:16:10, sjul);
resultado := 'Planeta ' + IntToStr(planet_number) + ' na posicao = ' + sjul;
result := resultado;
I found his source code in C: http://www.astro.com/ftp/swisseph/src/ - However, it is a very complex code and difficult to understand.
– Victor Stafusa