Open Search Description (press tab to search)


Viewed 63 times


I made a system of extensions for the company and wanted to implement in this system the "press guide(tab) to search" that I see on various sites. I’ve done it every way I can, and I can’t bring myself to do it.

the xml code I use is like this: Código xml

I’ve made sure the link is right.

Here is the example of what I want to happen:

Tab to search (aperte guia para pesquisar)

And finally, a system print, with the example of searching in the url


And another question I have, this Opensearchdescription works on the localhost, or only on websites on the internet?

1 answer


You need to put the path of XML in the tag <head> of its application:

    <link href="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/OpenSearch.xml") %>"
        title="Pesquisa no Meu Sistema de Ramais"
        type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" />

And another question I have, this Opensearchdescription works on the localhost, or only on websites on the internet?

It’s supposed to work on both.

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