Error request with jquery-autocomplete?


Viewed 199 times


I have the following file gulpfile.js build, to generate the files css and js. He’s generating me two files:

        source: function (request, response) {
            $.getJSON("/path/ajax", { q: request }, function(result) {
                response($.map(result, function(item) {
                    return item.nome;                        
        minLength: 5,
        delay: 100

When I type, the object is printed on the console:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Example of JSON of Objeto charged:

[{"id":"7","nome":"EEEF EURIDICE LOPES PEDROSO","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"10","nome":"EEEFM JUSCELINO KUBITSCHEK DE OLIVEIRA","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"20","nome":"EEEF TANCREDO DE ALMEIDA NEVES","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"21","nome":"EEEFM PADRE EZEQUIEL RAMIN","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"}]

But not in the view autocomplete listing box.

<div class="form-group">
    <input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="instituicao" name="instituicao" 
     class="form-control" placeholder="Nome da Instituição de ensino">

What I’m doing wrong?

PS: I know it’s not CSS, because when I send the object this way it works:

var data = [{"id":"7","nome":"EEEF EURIDICE LOPES PEDROSO","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"10","nome":"EEEFM JUSCELINO KUBITSCHEK DE OLIVEIRA","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"20","nome":"EEEF TANCREDO DE ALMEIDA NEVES","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"},{"id":"21","nome":"EEEFM PADRE EZEQUIEL RAMIN","endereco":"aqui vir\u00e1 o endere\u00e7o"}];

      source: [data],
      minLength: 5,
      delay: 100
  • Is the problem in this part $.map(result, function(item) {&#xA; console.log(item);&#xA; return item.nome;&#xA;&#xA; })? Is it jquery-ui right? See if this helps

  • What is this autocomplete? Have you seen in the documentation what format of the JSON object it expects? because I find it very unlikely that he will accept values with the key "name"(English) or a list of objects containing all attributes of the entity.

  • I’m wearing this: jquery-autocomplete

  • @Ivanferrer I think instead of { q: request }, the correct would be { q: request.term }, test the two possibilities of the answer

  • Here’s more about the documentation .

2 answers


I solved using another library, which works perfectly:

function highlightText(data, term) {

    term = term.replace(/(\s+)/,"(<[^>]+>)*$1(<[^>]+>)*");
    var pattern = new RegExp("("+term+")", "gi");
    data = data.replace(pattern, "<mark>$1</mark>");
    data = data.replace(/(<mark>[^<>]*)((<[^>]+>)+)([^<>]*<\/span>)/,"$1</mark>$2<mark>$4");

    return data;

function autoCompleteSchools(field) {

    var $el = $('#'+field);

    var options = {
        url: function(param) {
             return "path/ajax" +  param;
        getValue: function(element) {
            return  element.nome;
        template: {
            type: "custom",
            method: function(value, item) {
                var param = $el.val();
                return '<span class="school">'+highlightText(item.nome, param)+'</span><br><span class="address">'+highlightText(item.endereco, param)+'</span>';
        list: {
            onSelectItemEvent: function() {
                var value = $el.getSelectedItemData().label;
                var id = $el.getSelectedItemData().id
            maxNumberOfElements: 10,
            theme: "square"
        select:function(event, element){
            return element.label



I think the problem is that you’re not passing the parameter correctly:

$.getJSON("/path/ajax", { q: request }, function(result) {

I believe it would be right:

$.getJSON("/path/ajax", { q: request.term }, function(result) {

Another possibility is that going directly through [], then you have to do it in the callback too:

$.getJSON("/path/ajax", { q: request }, function(result) {

  • You haven’t changed at all doing this.

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